Terms of Service

If you want to use Pigo Likes services you should make agreement to these terms. When you register to our website you agree to the following terms:

  • General Terms: When you make an order with Pigo Likes you will accept the listed terms automatically weather you read them or not
    Terms and services description always changing in our website so make sure you read the description of each service well every time you want to make an order
    You will use Pigo Likes in a way which it follows social media rules and terms made by Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Youtube and other services provided by us.
    Services Prices at Pigo Likes always changes without a notice so make sure your read the price before placing any order at our panel.
    Pigo Likes doesn’t guarantee delivery time of any service because sometimes we face some problems and we always update our servers so we will not refund money if order take long time to finish but we will make sure you will get your service as mentioned in the description.
    Pigo Likes is not responsible for any problem that happen to your business if you misuse our services.
    Pigo Likes is not responsible for any account suspension or picture deletion done by social media companies
  • Registration Terms: By registering to Pigo Likes panel you agree that you are 18 years or older and you accept all our terms and rules and you read them well.
    While registering to our panel you will not use fake information such as fake name or contact information because if we recognize that your account will be freezed.
  • Services Terms: You will use Pigo Likes services only on your profiles to help your appearance grow organically.
    We don’t guarantee the engagement of your future campaigns or followers we only guarantee that you will get your service as mentioned in the description
    We don’t guarantee that Our followers accounts have profile pictures 100% but most of our accounts are real and have profiles.
    No nudity links allowed in our system because it’s against social media companies terms
    Before making any order make sure your account is public because no refund for private accounts
  • Duplicate Orders Terms: If you place duplicate order for the same link and the first order is still processing then you will lose your money and no refunds
    Orders can’t be canceled after placing them
    We can’t guarantee the speed of services for Instagram followers less than 1$ per 1000 follower because sometimes it take 48 hours to complete.
    If you face a problem with your order like drop or not completed don’t make another order before contacting us so we can fix the error or refund your money.
    If you make an order and your order dropped don’t make another order before making refill request or you will lose.

Privacy Policy

  • Refund Policy: As Pigo Likes we don’t refund money to your payment method. After adding funds to your account there is no way to get your money back but they will still in your account balanace.
    When you add funds or complete a payment you agree that you will not chargeback against us
    If you make a dispute about getting chargeback we have the right to suspend all your orders and your accounts and get all old orders back like followers, likes and subscribers…
    Orders made for private accounts will not be refunded so make sure your orders are going to public accounts
    Orders placed in Pigo Likes will not be refunded or canceled after you place them we are not responsible for wrong link or information.
    Fraud Activities such as using stolen credit cards will lead your account to be suspened
    Don’t use more than one server at the same time because we can’t run our statistics algorithm for your order will not be refunded.
  • Credit Cards & Payment Methods Policy: No credit cards will be saved at our servers and we process the transactions through secured bank servers provided by the payment gateway service
    When you purchase our services you agree the you understand what services we are providing and you agree that you wanted to buy those services
    Any fraud activities we receive we have the right to terminate your account and all your future and old orders
    Because Pigo Likes provide non-tangible digital services you agree that any order placed or added funds can’t be stopped or refunded.
    No money refund to any payment method once you made a transaction your money will be in your account balance.
    We have the right to cancel any automatic payment until the user make a manual verification.
  • Privacy Policy

This part of policy covers what happen to your personal information once you enter them in our website. We care so much about your privacy and we take it so much seriously with all its measures to protect you and your personal information.

Any kind of information we receive from you will be only used to provide you the best support and only will be used in our panel to make sure about your orders to be delivered in the right way. Our secured servers with firewalls is the storage of your information.

    Terms of Service

  1. By placing an order with our panel, you automatically accept all the below-listed terms of service weather you read them or not.
  2. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service without notice. You are expected to read all terms of service before placing every order to ensure you are up to date with any changes or any future changes.
  3. You will only use the our website in a manner which follows all agreements made with all the social media websites on their individual Terms of Service page.
  4. Our rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The terms stay in effect in the case of rate changes.
  5. We do not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and we will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.
  6. We are trying hard to deliver exactly what is expected from us by our re-sellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we believe it necessary to complete an order.